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The Removal of Wisdom Teeth is One of The Most Common Dental Procedures in Slidell

This type of procedure is usually not as scary as many people think. In fact, recovery time depends on your general oral hygiene, your body’s ability to heal, your age and the length of time the extraction itself took. Although there might be some discomfort for the first few days after the wisdom teeth procedure, there are many people who experience very little to no pain following the procedure.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last adult teeth to emerge in your mouth. They
the surface on the top and bottom of both sides of the jaw, usually between ages 17 and 21.
Since many people have insufficient space in their jaws to accommodate wisdom teeth without their
other teeth shifting, this can lead to several oral problems for which your dentist will likely recommend

The Procedure

Wisdom teeth extraction is classified as an outpatient procedure, meaning you arrive and leave on the same day.

After the procedure, when you slowly regain feeling in your mouth, there may be some discomfort and swelling, and even some minor bleeding in your mouth. This is normal.

Dr. Sweidan or Dr. Maryam will tell you when and how to take medications, which might be either over-the-counter or prescription medications.

If you undergo conscious sedation, you will have to have someone escort you home since you will not be able to drive for an extended period of time.

What to Eat After Your Procedure

It is recommended that you avoid alcohol and caffeine, as this can lead to complications. Extremely hot foods can burn the site of the wound and ought to be avoided, as should nuts or seeds, which could get stuck in the areas where your wisdom teeth used to be.

Staying hydrated and eating well the first few days after the procedure is important for your recovery.

You can slowly begin to eat harder foods whenever you feel ready, but it is wise to start with very soft foods at first, such as cottage cheese, apple sauce, pudding, soup, mashed potatoes, fish and smoothies.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery

Most people fully recover from wisdom teeth removal in three to four days. However, for some, it could take a full week or longer.

In addition, the wound left behind after the procedure will not be fully healed for several weeks. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that you properly care for your mouth following your procedure, as this will help in preventing infections and complications. Also, pay attention to any signs of trouble, as it is still possible for you to develop an infection weeks after surgery.

Our team will provide you with clear instructions on cleaning and protecting your mouth. You should also rinse your mouth with salt water to keep the wound clean and not spit the water out when you rinse, but instead, slowly open your mouth over the sink and allow the water to run out. To absorb excess blood, you should gently dab the wound with gauze.

While you can resume normal, daily activities the day following the extraction procedure, you should avoid smoking, rigorous physical exercise, spitting and drinking from straws, or slurping too vigorously from a spoon, as these could dislodge stitches or ruin the blood clot formed over your wound.

You must be careful not to dislodge your stitches or blood clot for a week, as the scab provides protection from infection and allows the wound to heal, and prevents you from suffering increased pain.

Managing Any Discomfort

Dr. Sweidan or Dr. Maryam may recommend ice packs and/or prescription or over-the-counter medications to manage discomfort and reduce swelling, as well as antibiotics to prevent any infections while your mouth is vulnerable to germs.

When to Seek Post-Treatment Help

It is normal to experience some swelling, pain or bleeding after wisdom teeth removal. However, your symptoms should greatly improve by the third day, and all pain and bleeding should dissipate within one week.

Nevertheless, there could be complications resulting from infection. As a result, if you experience symptoms such as fever, numbness, trouble swallowing or breathing, medication not effective at alleviating the discomfort, worsening swelling, blood or pus, or unbearable and excessive bleeding despite applying pressure using a gauze, call our office immediately.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Slidell

Finding the right place to have your wisdom teeth removed is an important step in the process of having a successful procedure.

St. Tammany Periodontics & Implants is committed to providing patients with the highest quality of periodontal and dental implant care in Slidell and Covington, LA. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you to achieve your health goals, and we will strive to exceed your expectations.

Call us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about wisdom teeth removal.

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